Joanna Claudy

Joanna Claudy

Trine University - Jannen School of Arts & Sciences
B.S., Purdue University (Animal Science)
M.S., The Ohio State University (Agricultural Communication)
260.665.4351 | email

I’ve always said, everything I’ve done comes back to communication. No matter how I’ve tried, everything, even my STEM degree, brought me back to communication and to education, whether that was classes, clubs, internships, or volunteer work. My passion for science communication (and my personal niche of rare breeds) started young and brings together my love of speaking and educating with my background in science. 

While at Trine, I hope to help cultivate student’s knowledge and enjoyment of all types of communication, whether its their chosen career path or just an aspect of their job. I enjoy seeing the growth that students experience through their time in school. I also assist with the theater program, primarily with tech, props, and costumes.