Want to Explore The World?

Study Abroad.
Do you plan to take on the world? We'll put you in it. Learning without Limits is about doing and seeing at Trine. Imagine combining your studies with firsthand experiences—studying foreign cultures, or learning new languages.
To truly excel, you'll need a broad perspective, the kind you get from immersing yourself in experiences and exploration. As a student traveling abroad, you'll learn what it means to be a global citizen. You'll prepare to work with international companies, diverse people, and a global economy.
Pick your program
Trine offers three separate study abroad programs. You can enroll in semester, year-long, or summer programs through our partner providers: International Studies Abroad (ISA) and GlobaLinks Learning Aboard or with our partner universities. Most students opt for one semester (typically second semester of sophomore year or first semester of junior year) or a summer session (typically the summer between sophomore and junior years or between junior and senior years).
You could also consider an internship, study/internship combo or service learning abroad programs.
It is critical that you begin planning early in your academic career particularly if your major has a fairly rigid list of courses offered in a certain sequence. Talk with your academic advisor and visit with the Trine Study Abroad office to discuss your options. Begin by completing the following:
- Study Abroad Pre-Planning Sheet and ApplicationOpens in new window
- Study Abroad Checklist and Financial Aid RequestOpens in new window
- Study Abroad Scholarship Application
Additional forms and links:
- FAQs (195kb)Opens in new window
- Safety and health - PassportsOpens in new window
Opens in new window - Scholarships and GrantsOpens in new window
- Visa InformationOpens in new window
- Obtaining a PassportOpens in new window
- Contact information for US consulate or embassyOpens in new window
- Top Destinations by MajorOpens in new window
- Languages that can be learned abroadOpens in new window
- Evaluation sheet (185kb)Opens in new window (when student returns)
Study Abroad Schools
Trine partners with several universities. Students can choose from study programs located in:
- Rome, Italy at John Cabot UniversityOpens in new window
- Paris, France at the American University of ParisOpens in new window
- Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria at the American University of BulgariaOpens in new window
- Tegucigalpa, Honduras at Universidad José Cecilio del ValleOpens in new window
- Utsunomiya, Tochigi, Japan at Utsunomiya UniversityOpens in new window
- Oyama, Tochigi, Japan at Hakuoh University
- Vienna, Austria at Webster University AustriaOpens in new window
- Accra, Ghana at Webster University GhanaOpens in new window
- Athens, Greece at Webster University GreeceOpens in new window
- Florence, Italy at Webster University ItalyOpens in new window
- Leiden, the Netherlands at Webster University NetherlandsOpens in new window
- Geneva, Switzerland at Webster University SwitzerlandOpens in new window
- Cha-Am, Thailand at Webster University ThailandOpens in new window
Check out these schools' websites for application and deadline details.
International Studies Abroad (ISA)
Through Trine's direct affiliation with International Studies Abroad (ISA), students
can participate in affordable summer semester and year-long programs in Argentina,
Belgium, Brazil, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, England,
France, India, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Morocco, North Ireland, Panama, Peru, South
Korea and Spain. Learn more about the costs and other information regarding ISA programsOpens in new window.
GlobaLinks Learning Abroad
Through Trine's affiliation with GlobaLinks Learning AbroadOpens in new window, students can choose affordable summer, semester or year-long programs in Australia,
New Zealand or the South Pacific, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South
Korea, Thailand, England, Czech Republic, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands,
Scotland, and Wales.Opens in new window
AIFS Study Abroad (AIFS)
In affiliation with 40 international universities, AIFS organizes study abroad programs for more than 5,000 American students each year.
Academic year, semester, summer and January term programs are available. Courses are
for academic credit. AIFS works closely with more than 500 American colleges and universities,
providing students and faculty with high quality educational experiences abroad. These
experiences include all-inclusive programs as well as customized faculty-led programs.
Most programs require that the student's cumulative grade point average be at least 2.5 and some require at least 3.0.
For further information regarding study abroad opportunities, please contact:
Dr. Haseeb Kazi
Director of Study Abroad
kazih@trine.eduOpens in new window
Barbara Dyrcz (Belgium)
"Studying abroad is one of those things where you never really know what it's going to be like until you get there. I thought it was going to be good, but it turned out to be amazing. It's really a once in a life time experience that you'll remember for the rest of your life."
- Barbara Dyrcz (Belgium)
Shelby Frailey (Australia)
"Studying abroad is the best decision I’ve made. It’s like a vacation that helps you grow as a person and looks good on your resume."
- Shelby Frailey (Australia)
Padraig Murphy (Australia)
"Don't hesitate to jump on the opportunity to study abroad. It was one of the best experiences of my life. While classes were challenging (all of mine were core classes because I had no electives left), I was still able to fully enjoy the opportunity to study abroad. I would highly recommend any student to at least consider studying abroad."
- Padraig Murphy (Australia)