Internship Assurance

Trine University- Allen School of Engineering and Computing Internship Assurance

The Allen School of Engineering and Computing is committed to providing our students with comprehensive academic and professional experiences that prepare them for successful careers in their respective fields. As part of this commitment, we offer an Internship Assurance Program to our new students, providing practical, hands-on learning opportunities that complement their classroom education.

Learn more about internships

Program Overview:

  1. Eligibility:
    • All new undergraduate students enrolled in programs within the Allen School of Engineering and Computing are eligible for the Internship Assurance Program.
    • To remain enrolled in the Internship Assurance Program, students must maintain good academic standing and a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75.
  2. Program Duration:
    • The Internship Assurance Program spans the duration of a student's academic tenure in the Allen School of Engineering and Computing at Trine University.
  3. Industry Partnerships:
    • We maintain strong relationships with a wide range of industry partners, enabling us to connect students with internship opportunities at reputable organizations across various sectors.
  4. Academic Integration:
    • Internship experiences are designed to complement the academic curriculum, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings and gain practical skills essential for their future careers.

Trine’s Commitment:

  1. Internship Opportunities
    • We assure that every eligible student will secure at least one internship opportunity relevant to their field of study before graduation. However, internships are subject to the availability of suitable positions and the student's active participation in the internship search process.  Employment opportunities are solely at the discretion of employers, Trine cannot guarantee employment.
  2. Internship Support:
    • Our dedicated Career Services team, together with each student’s academic department, will provide personalized assistance to students seeking internship opportunities.

Student Commitment:

  1. Academics:
    • Students are required to maintain good academic standing and a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75.
  2. Active Engagement:
    • Students are required to actively participate in internship preparation workshops, networking events, & career fairs to maximize their chances of securing an internship relevant to their field of study.*

*Active Engagement entails 2 career center programs, having an account on handshake and interactions with Career Coach