Myungwon Hwang

imgMyungwon Hwang

Trine University – Allen School of Engineering and Computing
B.S./M.S. – Georgia Institute of Technology;
Ph.D. – Purdue University
260.665.4322 | 

I started my academic career in Aerospace Engineering and was introduced to the field of vibrations and waves through a research project. After earning my degree, I went back to my hometown in South Korea and worked at an automotive engine mount manufacturer, analyzing engine mount systems and components. Seeking a deeper understanding of this field, I returned to the US for a doctoral degree and worked on nonlinear dynamics in lattices composed of bistable elements. Particularly, I investigated ways to utilize the high energy associated with solitary waves for energy harvesting and frequency conversion. My long-term research goal is to further study wave-matter interactions in mechanical systems and build mechanical demonstrators that can visualize abstract physical concepts as mechanical motions, bridging the gap between pure science and engineering.

Throughout my career path, I faced numerous challenges and made many mistakes. However, these experiences have undoubtedly shaped me into a better engineer. As a faculty member at Trine, I would like to help students get over the fear of making mistakes and keep their motivation up.

Outside of work, I like tweaking my computer, watching baseball, and driving around the town with my family. I am also trying to improve my classic guitar skills.