Elizabeth Brennan

October 23, 2019

Growing up, I knew medicine was in my future as a conceivable career. I was fortunate enough to row competitively at the NCAA Division I level during my undergraduate experience at Duquesne University, but I struggled with which career in health care would allow me to be fulfilled in the future.

My background is in biology and health sciences. However, my passion has always been finding a way to assist those around me. Ultimately, working in physical therapy offices and seeing this realm day-to-day is what solidified my desire to become a physical therapist.

" Trine continues to create new opportunities for learning, continually accepts feedback to adjust the program’s needs, and has prepared me to become a doctor of physical therapy. "- Elizabeth Brennan

When I interviewed for Trine’s DPT program, I knew immediately that positively enhancing the lives of others was a prominent focus of the university’s vision for its students. The sense of community Trine offers creates an environment conducive to fostering the growth and knowledge necessary to become a well-rounded healthcare provider.

I ultimately chose Trine for its opportunities in the clinical setting that start in your first semester of the program. While the knowledge base obtained during the didactic portion of our education is critical to understanding the material and ultimately passing the NPTE, the ability to communicate with patients throughout our education has proven beneficial in not only improving patient care, but in creating well-rounded clinicians who have the potential to enhance the physical therapy field and medicine as a whole. Trine continues to create new opportunities for learning, continually accepts feedback to adjust the program’s needs, and has prepared me to become a doctor of physical therapy.

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Matthew Jimenez

Graduating Trine senior secures full-time position at Rolls-Royce

January 24, 2025

Matthew Jimenez is a senior design engineering technology major at Trine University. Throughout his time as a student, Jimenez has had three internships and recently accepted a job offer at Rolls-Royce, where he will serve as a Graduate Manufacturing Engineering Intern.
