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You may get a thrill from taking risks, but most businesses don’t. With the Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science degree from Trine University, you can make a career out of helping determine how much risk is acceptable.
Actuaries analyze future events to help businesses and government institutions manage risk and uncertainty. In these uncertain times, there is more demand for actuaries than ever.
The Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science program at Trine University prepares students for a career as an actuary. Graduates will have the knowledge and skills to pass the preliminary exams P (Probability) and FM (Financial Mathematics) as given by the Society of Actuaries, or exams 1 and 2 as given by the Casualty Actuarial Society, as well as the foundation needed to prepare to pass the remaining exams offered by the societies.
Courses in the Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science program include the broad range of mathematics, statistics and finance needed for success in the actuarial profession.
Students will learn to solve problems in a non-deterministic setting using appropriate statistical and probabilistic methods, and to solve problems in a deterministic setting in finance and investments. They also will apply probabilistic and statistical tools and methods to areas such as finance, investments, insurance and risk analysis.
Graduates who eventually pass actuarial exams can be employed by the government or by any business that needs to manage financial risk, including insurance companies, consulting firms, large corporations, hospitals, banks and investment firms.
According to the Bureau of Labor Services, in 2016 there were 23,600 actuarial jobs in the United States, which is projected to grow to 28,900 by 2026, a 22 percent increase. The median actuary’s salary is $102,880 per year.
Actuaries bridge the gap between mathematics and business in a way that no other career can. Students at Trine often strength this link by taking various business minors or by double majoring in mathematics.
For questions pertaining to our Actuarial Science major contact Michael Smith at smithm2@trine.edu.
Careers available to students in the Bachelor of Science with a major in actuarial science program include:
BS in Actuarial Science
Lifetime Guarantee
120 hours
Angola, IN
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