
Haven’t Discovered Your Major Yet?
No problem. Almost 20% of admitted students are undecided about their major. Here at Trine University, we will help you navigate our over 40 majors to find the right fit for you. Helping you discover your Thunder is what we are here for.
Experience Trine University in UE 121
UE 121 University Experience is a course specifically designed to showcase all the majors that Trine has to offer. You will participate in courses from other disciplines, listen to guest speakers from academic departments from across campus, be a part of demonstrations in the Golf Lab, see how to melt metal in the Foundry, view human anatomy digitally on the anatomage table, take a tour of the Maker Space, and so much more.
Thunder 360 - The First Year Experience Program
We know that college is an exciting and challenging time in your life, and Thunder
360° is designed to help make the transition to college smoother for you. The program
- INGNITE (Interacting and Gaining New Insight into the #TrineNation Experience), an education and involvement-based program designed to help you become engaged with campus. With events raging from academic and learning programs to socially charged interaction and community building events, IGNITE is the spark that makes you feel connected to your Trine University home!
- Trine’s Summer Bridge program, provides selected incoming first-year students with tools and resources to jump start their first year in college.
- Full access to the Academic Success Center, offering a wide range of services to help you excel academically and socially.
- The creation of standardized academic scheduling permitting members to be in similar courses and sections for the fall semester.
Discover Where You are Right Now
Knowing where you are helps to discover where to go next.
- You know what you don’t want to major in. That’s good. You know what doesn’t interest you. It’s a great starting point. From here we will help you explore areas that do interest you.
- You have an area of interest, but unsure of which major to pursue within that area. At Trine University a general major lets you explore the different disciplines within the department while still working towards degree requirements. For example, if you are interested in Business but uncertain of which discipline, you can begin in General Business and explore the different Business majors while completing the general education requirements and business core.
- You know where you want to end up but are not sure how to get there. We’ve got you covered. Let us know your end goal and we will map out the major, or majors, that will help get you there.
- You have all these dual credits and want to make the most of them. We can help with that. We are always happy to complete an evaluation of your transfer credits so you can see how they will transfer into a specific program(s), as well as offer guidance for additional credits you can take that will transfer toward degree completion.
- You are unsure about a major and feeling a little overwhelmed. That’s OK. Here at Trine University, we will help you every step of the way. You are right where you belong. You are Thunderous.
Discover. Declare. Trine will get you there.
To learn more about how to Discover your Thunder at Trine University, email admit@trine.edu.
Program Information
Campus Location
Angola, IN