Wondering whether someone has intentionally downloaded inappropriate material to a
computer? A forensic computer examiner can assess the situation and determine what
During the last week of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, Trine University professor
Timothy Carver explains the benefits of using a qualified forensic computer examiner
to get to the bottom of an unfortunate situation. Carver is one of the experts who
teaches in Trine’s new cybersecurity program.
Work with your friendly neighborhood forensic computer examiner
For the sake of discussion, you’re a business person. You’ve found an employee who
has been downloading unacceptable content to a company computer. This content is adult
in nature. The employee claims he doesn’t know how it got on the computer. Can you
find out how? Or how much was found? Was it there by intent, accident or in passing?
When did it get on the system? And, if necessary, how do you explain all of this technical
mumbo-jumbo in a way others can understand?
Fortunately there are people who can help. A forensic computer examiner has the ability
to examine digital devices, help promote electronic discovery, recover data and document
the findings. The examiner will have hardware and software specifically for this work,
along with specialty tools for very definite work.
Finding a qualified person, one who could be an expert witness if necessary, can be
difficult. First, does the person have a degree? The higher the education level, especially
in computer science or informatics, can be helpful. A person with such a degree will
have more knowledge about what’s going on “under the hood.”
Next, a qualified person needs specialized training to go with a degree. Look for
a person who has gone through training in digital forensics. Certification on top
of education is an excellent combination. Check out what organizations to which the
examiner belongs. Is the certification current? What testing standards are employed?
Membership in professional organizations also allows examiners to ask and answer questions
without revealing case details.
An examiner should be as experienced as possible. The problem is the number of certified
examiners is still yet small. The field of digital forensic science is positioned
to grow during the next decade or more. But there are few civilian examiners out there
as most examiners are in law enforcement. Contacting some of the forensic examiner
organizations to find a person close to you is best. One source is the International
Society of Forensic Computer Examiners (ISFCE). The testing for the certification
is rigorous and thorough, and the people who succeed are highly qualified. The organization
was formed by a retired FBI examiner who saw the sorry state of so called examiners
who didn’t know how to conduct a proper exam. The ISFCE maintains a list of members
at its website.
A qualified examiner should not be expected to find a “smoking gun.” However, like
any other forensic science, the examiner can potentially recover valuable information,
such as sites the employee has visited, dates and times of such visits and other activities
that could have allowed the computer to be used for downloading unacceptable content,
possibly without the employee’s knowledge.
The examiner might also find the employee intentionally sought the content in question. Do
not expect the examiner to withhold anything from you. The highest quality you want
in an examiner is integrity.
As more and more computers are used for business, there are more and more opportunities
for abuse. Having a computer examined may help to protect your business.
Professor Timothy Carver has more than 30 years of professional experience in computers,
holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in computer science and is a member
of the International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners. Carver teaches courses
in digital forensic science at Trine University and is a practicing forensic computer