Celebration honors students on dean's, president's lists

January 22, 2016


studentsJAN. 22 -- Some of the nearly 450 students named to the dean's and president's list for the fall 2015 semester attend a Thursday afternoon event to celebrate their academic success. Above, Deborah McHenry, executive director of Student Success and Retention, lauds students for their efforts. Jean Deller, assistant vice president of Academic Affairs, also addressed the students. Right, students wait for the program to begin in Best Hall. To see a list of the students named to the lists, visit trine.meritpages.com.
Photos by Dean Orewiler, multimedia specialist

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Erich Barlow

TrineOnline faculty member cited in data governance article

February 21, 2025

Erich Barlow, adjunct faculty member for TrineOnline and program matter expert for the university’s Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence program, is quoted in a new InformationWeek article on data governance.
