Steward Cline, a 1976 aeronautical engineering graduate, was one of the visitors to
the President’s Hospitality Suite during Homecoming on Oct. 6. He is pictured here
with Storm and Dr. Sheri Trine.
Earlier this year, Cline won the 2018 Chuck Chadwell Customer Advocacy Award from
GE Aviation. The award comes with a $5,000 stipend for charity that Cline donated
to the Trine University Scholarship Fund. The funds were used to establish the Steward
J. & Bonita H. Cline Scholarship, with the balance going toward Books and Beyond scholarships.
In the past, Cline received the Edison Award for outstanding engineering from GE and
donated the $25,000 stipend from that award to help relocate the wind tunnel at Trine.
Cline serves on the advisory board for Trine University’s mechanical and aeronautical
engineering programs.
Cline also has supported the Trine Fund, Sigma Phi Epsilon Memorial Scholarship, the
license plate program and the Wade Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.