Eight graduating seniors in Trine University’s Allen School of Engineering & Technology
were inducted into the Order of the Engineer during a ceremony on Dec. 4.
The following students participated in the ring ceremony in Fawick Hall:
- Katherine Branson, mechanical engineering, Shelbyville, Indiana
- Seth Cole, mechanical engineering, Davison, Michigan
- Franklin Ekete, civil engineering, Auburn, Indiana
- Nils Hay, civil engineering, Schaumburg, Illinois
- Christian Koehl, electrical engineering, Fort Wayne, Indiana
- Erik Konermann, civil engineering, Brownsburg, Indiana
- Olivia Miller, electrical engineering, Nashville, Indiana
- Samuel Osborn, mechanical engineering, Stevensville, Michigan
The ring ceremony is the public induction of candidates into the Order of the Engineer,
a fellowship of engineers who are trained in science and technology and dedicated
to the practice, teaching or administration of their profession.
During the ceremony, engineering students are invited to accept the Obligation of
the Engineer and a stainless steel ring is placed on the smallest finger of the working
hand. The obligation is a formal statement of an engineer’s responsibilities to the
public and to the profession. Both the order and the obligation serve to stimulate
public recognition by engineers of two basic principles: that the primary purpose
of the engineering profession is the protection of the public health, safety and welfare;
and that all members of the engineering profession share a common bond.
Trine University conducted its first ring ceremony in November 1978.
Photo: Front, from left, Erik Konermann, Olivia Miller, Franklin Ekete, Katherine Branson;
back, Samuel Osborn, Christian Koehl, Nils Hay and Seth Cole. (Photo by Dean Orewiler)