我校国际事务部主任Jenson Jiang与陕西理工大学副校长北京会晤
近日,我校国际事务部主任Jenson Jiang与中国陕西理工大学(Shaanxi University of Technology)副校长王磊在北京会面,双方就两校深度合作与交流交换了意见和建议。
王磊副校长详细介绍了陕西理工大学情况,表达了想与特莱恩大学建立合作交流关系的意向。Jenson Jiang介绍了特莱恩大学的情况,并就学科优势、专业特色和发展现状等与王磊副校长进行了交流。
Meet with Vice President of Shaanxi University of Technology in Beijing
Jenson Jiang, Director of Global Partnerships at our university, met with Wang Lei,
vice president of Shaanxi University of Technology in Beijing. The two sides exchanged
views and suggestions on the in-depth cooperation and exchange between the two universities.
Vice President Wang Lei introduced the situation of Shaanxi University of Technology
in detail and expressed his intention to establish cooperative and exchange relations
with our university. Jenson Jiang introduced the situation of our university and communicated
with Vice President Wang Lei on discipline advantages, professional characteristics
and development status.
Last Updated: 01/18/2022