Trine University has posted a new episode of the TrineLine podcast, a discussion with university President Earl D. Brooks II, Ph.D., on the latest news
from the university and issues in higher education.
In this episode, Dr. Brooks looks back at the fall semester and the decisions that
allowed the university to successfully operate in-person. He also looks ahead to the
spring semester as well as the long-term impacts the COVID-19 pandemic will have on
higher education.
Dr. Brooks also talks about David Fraboni, Trine’s new vice president for advancement,
and discusses the potential impacts the new Biden administration may have on higher
The podcast, produced by the Trine Broadcasting Network and hosted by James Tew, senior
director of content and communications, is available at and on platforms such as Spotify, iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher.
Last Updated: 02/25/2021