Recognizing the dramatic growth of its online and international programs, Trine University
has promoted Keirsten Eberts to the new role of vice president of online and international
In her new role, Eberts will serve on the university’s Cabinet, providing leadership
and vision for the operations of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies/TrineOnline
and the Office of International Services.
“In recent years our online and hybrid programs have experienced substantial growth
in student enrollment,” said John Shannon, Ph.D., Trine University president. “Keirsten
has provided outstanding leadership while managing and facilitating the expansion
of these degrees. Her new role will not only give online and international a well-deserved
seat at the table in overall planning and direction for the university, it also will
position us for continued growth in these vital areas.”
Eberts previously served as associate vice president and dean of the College of Graduate
and Professional Studies and Office of International Services.
Under her leadership, enrollment in online and international programs at Trine University
has grown to more than 7,200 students, including education centers in Detroit and
Phoenix. The university recently received approval for a third center in Reston, Virginia.
“These are exciting times for Trine University, the College of Graduate and Professional
Studies, and the Office of International Services. We have incredible staff and faculty
members who are committed to preparing students to succeed, lead, and serve, both
here in the United States and abroad,” Eberts said. “I’m honored to continue to lead
and represent these outstanding professionals and students, and excited to see what
the future will bring.”
A staff member at Trine since 2013, Eberts has served the university in roles with
increasing responsibility, including enrollment specialist, senior director of the
Angola Education Center, senior director of global partnerships and assistant vice
president and dean of academics for TrineOnline.
Eberts graduated from Trine University with a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology
in 2014 and a Master of Science in leadership in 2015.
For more information on Trine University’s online and international programs, visit or