Female criminal justice professionals share experiences at Trine event
Trine University’s Cold Case Unit hosted “Justice Unlocked: Women in Criminal Justice Symposium” in the Mark and Sarah Music/Ruoff Mortgage Esports Arena on March 25.
January 21, 2025
Rocky Bleier, who overcame war injuries to help lead the Pittsburgh Steelers to four
Super Bowl championships, will highlight Trine University's 21st annual Scholarship
Gala, which raises money for student scholarships.
The event starts at 6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 15, in the Keith E. Busse/Steel Dynamics, Inc. Athletic Recreation Center on Trine's Angola campus.
In addition to hearing from Bleier, those in attendance will enjoy wine tasting, a gourmet dinner by Bon Appetit, live music provided by the Trine University Jazz Band, and live and silent auctions including sports memorabilia, vacations, jewelry, experience packages and artwork.
From the football field to field of combat
Born in Appleton, Wisconsin, Bleier was part of the University of Notre Dame’s national championship football team in 1966. He was selected by the Steelers in the 1968 NFL/AFL draft.
As he was about to wrap up his rookie season, a teammate called him over to the table the team reserved for fan mail. He was surprised since, in a few months with the team, he had yet to receive any letters of support.
When he opened the envelope, though, he realized that was still the case: In his hand was a notification that he had been drafted by the U.S. Army, which was immersed in the Vietnam War. He was due to report the next day.
In combat the next year, he suffered grisly injuries that would reshape his life, but improbably, not nudge him off course.
The football player turned soldier turned injured veteran fought his way back to a professional football career that spanned more than a decade and included four Super Bowl championships. In turn, he has used that story to inspire countless others not to yield in the most difficult circumstances, and he has donated time and energy to helping veterans like him reacclimate to the jarringly different lives they faced when they returned home.
Bleier is a member of the Congressional Committee for the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War and the Purple Heart Foundation. He is an active board member of the Warriors to Citizens Foundation, which is devoted to helping soldiers, police, fire, EMTs and their families recover from the psychological harm caused by career-induced stress.
He also serves on the board of The National Flag Foundation that was founded to honor and respect our nation’s greatest symbol, the Flag of the United States of America. He started the Rocky Bleier Golf Tournament to support Veterans Village in his hometown of Appleton.
Millions raised for scholarships
Since its inception, the Scholarship Gala has raised millions for Trine University student scholarships, including more than $1 million each of the last three years. Scholarship funds are a critical part of allowing students to attend Trine, which awarded more than $46 million in institutional aid in 2023-24.
The university will offer the opportunity to fund $500 Books and Beyond Scholarships during the Gala. Contributions to the Books and Beyond Scholarship program go directly to financially disadvantaged students, allowing them to purchase needed books, computers, school and lab supplies, and meals. Funds also help students pay modest account balances that will allow them to register next semester for classes.
Trine board chair and alumnus Dr. Rick L. James and his wife, Dr. Vicki L. James, and The James Foundation, Inc., as they have for a number of years, are offering a matching grant for Books and Beyond scholarships. This year they will match $300,000.
Sponsorship packages and tickets are available through Feb. 8. To reserve tickets ($150 each), donate an auction item or get sponsorship details, visit trine.edu/gala or call 665-4114.
For more information on the 2025 Trine Scholarship Gala, contact Clare Danner, director of alumni relations, at cadanner15@trine.edu, or Denise Geary, office manager, University Advancement, at gearyd@trine.edu, or call (260) 665-4114.