Passion for science developed at Trine

Zoe Swaidnerzoe swaidner

Trine University - Rinker-Ross School of Health Sciences
B.S., Trine University
260.665.4333  |  email

Growing up, I always took a particular interest in science. I would spend every moment possible outside exploring. When I wasn’t able to do that, I had a book in hand. It wasn’t until I began at Trine as an undergraduate that I discovered my interest in environmental sciences. After graduating, I was able to explore my interests and given opportunities to assist with labs. This is where I learned that science education would be the path I pursue. After spending time studying forestry and environmental sciences, I am excited to return to Trine.

At Trine, I look forward to working with students in the classroom and allowing a space for more students to discover their interests and grow with them. I hope to become more involved in local outreach programs in the near future.

Outside of school, I like to spend my time hiking, swimming and being creative. I look forward to being back in the area to be able to spend more time with family and friends.