General Arts and Sciences Courses

General Arts and Sciences is not a course of study. It is a temporary designation that provides students with suitable time to select the right major for them. As such this designation has no course requirements.
General Arts and Sciences students should enroll in courses that meet Trine's general education requirements as well as courses in academic programs that interest them until they select a major of their own.
General Education Requirements for all Bachelor Degrees – 42 hours
Written Communication – 6 credit hours
- must include
ENG 143 College Composition
or ENG 133 Technical Communications
HUM 203 Humanities Seminar
Oral Communication – 3 credit hours
SP 203 Effective Speaking
or COM 163 Interpersonal Communication
Social Sciences & Humanities – 12 credit hours
- *take at least two courses from Social Sciences and at least two courses from Humanities.
Mathematics & Science – 10 credit hours
- must include at least 1 course in mathematics and 1 course in science
Other – 11 credit hours
- additional hours to be taken from the above categories*