About the Science Fair

A Science Fair is aimed at motivating young people to undertake extracurricular activities in the form of a science project. The project can range from simple library research for young children to a complex independent research project for those of high school age. Such work provides a learning situation with characteristics not normally duplicated in school work (real problems, long closure, no one answer, greater complexity, etc.) and provides for the development of attributes important to adult success (independence, initiative, creativity, persistence, etc.) also in ways not duplicated in school.
Who May Participate?
Exhibits on any scientific subject made by students may be entered if students are enrolled in any class from grade 1 through grade 12 in any parochial, private, home school, or public school in DeKalb, Noble, LaGrange, Steuben, or St. Joseph, MI counties.
A project may be registered as an individual project or a team project. A student may only register under one project. A team project must have no more than three members. If a project changes from Team to Individual status after registration at Regional Fair an SRC member must review and approve.
An exhibit must not be an identical repetition of one shown by the same exhibitor or team at a Science Fair of a previous year.