Michael Schroeder

Territory: Ohio and Pennsylvania

Education: Bachelors in Communication (ONU) and Masters in Organizational Leadership (Trine University)

Where are you from: Kalida, OH

Favorite Place at Trine: Whitney Commons/the UC

What is something people don’t know about Trine: The 80+ clubs/organizations to be a part of as a student

Describe your perfect day in Northeastern Indiana: Cool Summers night either around a campfire or on the lakes

What’s your favorite Trine tradition: Friday night Pancakes at CCH

Advice to incoming students: Find your group and be active on campus. There are so many clubs and teams to be a part of and those can blossom into friendships you will have for life!

What is your favorite TV show: Band of Brothers

What is your favorite thing from your college experience and where did you attend: Close relationships with faculty and staff… ONU 2015-2019

What is your favorite part of Admissions: Helping students navigate through the college decision process

Favorite past time/hobby: Streaming video games or hanging out on the lake with friends and family!

Michael Schroeder
Assistant Director of Admission
