Clubs and Organizations

Passion and Enthusiasm
On our campus, saying “there’s nothing to do” simply doesn't fly. And one big reason for that is the abundance of student-led clubs and organizations from which you’ll have to choose. Build a house with Habitat for Humanity, be influential in Student Government, or explore the great outdoors with Trine Opt Outside.
Uniformity is boring. At Trine, there's something for everyone.
*Organization activities open to TrineOnline students
Student Government
For more information, please contact:
Accounting Club
A club dedicated to promoting the success of accounting students in both the academic and external worlds through social, academic, and career-based events.
Air Force ROTC
A training program occurring every Tuesday afternoon/evening at the University of Notre Dame, leading to a military commission as a 2nd Lieutenant upon graduation. This program includes transportation provided by Trine University, as well as development of leadership skills!
American Chemical Society
Affords opportunities for students of the chemical sciences to obtain experiences in presenting technical material, foster professional spirit, and build awareness of the responsibilities of the modern chemist.
American Criminal Justice Association
Introduces members to professionals from law enforcement, corrections, and judiciary agencies at all levels, while also developing student teams to compete in crime scene analysis, handgun marksmanship, physical agility, and written tests.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
The largest technical society dedicated to the global aerospace profession!
American Institute of Chemical Engineering
An active organization available for students pursuing a degree in chemical engineering to provide guest speakers, plan trips, observe safety videos, and participate in projects ranging from the ChemE Car and AlChE Jeopardy to ChemESports!
American Society of Civil Engineers/ Institute of Transportation Engineers
Serves to develop leadership, advance technology, advocate lifelong learning, and promote the profession through projects including the concrete canoe competition!
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
A society of all things mechanical engineering, planes, and rockets. ASME/AIAA is dedicated to helping students improve their professional skills, provide career connection opportunities, and participate in community events.
Biomedical Engineering Society
The object of this chapter is to promote the profession of biomedical engineering through study, research, and discussion, then leading to the dissemination of knowledge thereby gained.
Blackstone Law Club
Are you interested in a legal career? Want to collaborate with like-minded individuals? Then come and join the Blackstone Law Club, a network of undergrads interested in pursuing a future in law!
Computer Science Society
A club that dives into the world of technology, performing activities ranging from hacking and coding labs to robotics and extended reality projects.
Engineers Without Borders
A nonprofit humanitarian organization established to support community-driven development programs worldwide through partnerships that design and implement sustainable engineering projects providing water, renewable energy, sanitation, and more!
Finance Club
Provides learning opportunities for individuals interested in various business skills, or the field of finance as a whole!
Health Science Association
Provides educational opportunities, resources, and professional development to any students majoring or interested in any health profession.
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers
Promotes the engineering process of creating, developing, integrating, and applying knowledge about electrical sciences for the benefit of humanity and the future of the profession at Trine University.
Institute of Transportation Engineers
An international educational and scientific association of transportation professionals who are responsible for meeting mobility and safety needs.
Maker's Club
Gives all Trine University students the chance to innovate and be a part of various projects in all design and engineering fields.
Math Club
A student-run organization with the drive to educate the youth and their community about the application of mathematics beyond the classroom and instead into their daily lives.
Pre-PA Club
Works to provide a network for undergraduate students interested in becoming a physician assistant with resources and a comfortable environment to discuss their futures.
Alpha Eta Mu Beta Biomedical Engineering Honor Society
Alpha Eta Mu Beta aims to recognize the academic achievements of students, honor distinguished faculty and alumni, and promote excellence in the field of biomedical engineering. Its goal is to connect Trine students with opportunities in the biomedical engineering field.
Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society
Beta Beta Beta (Tri-Beta) is an honor society for students, particularly undergraduates, dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending the boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research.
Chi Epsilon Civil and Environmental Engineering Honor Society
Chi Epsilon is made up of the top one-third of civil and environmental junior and senior class members at Trine University who exemplify the principles on which Chi Epsilon was founded. Membership in Chi Epsilon affirms that students are dedicated to the betterment of the world around them.
Delta Mu Delta Business Honor Society*
The mission of Delta Mu Delta is to recognize and reward scholastic achievement in business administration programs, defined as receiving a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher after completing one-half of the work toward their degree.
Eta Kappa Nu
Eta Kappa Nu is responsible for recognizing the academic excellence of students in computer and electrical engineering. Trine’s chapter prides itself in its ability to recognize students with outstanding character who practice academic excellence.
National Society of Leadership and Success
The NSLS is an organization that provides a life-changing leadership program that helps students achieve personal growth, career success, and empowers them to have a positive impact in their communities.
Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Honor Society
Phi Eta Sigma aims to promote a higher standard of learning and encourage high scholastic attainment among the freshmen at Trine University. Members of Phi Eta Sigma must be full-time students pursuing bachelor’s degrees who rank in the upper 20% of their respective classes.
Pi Tau Sigma - Mechanical Engineering Honor Society
An honors society where members are chosen on a basis of sound engineering ability, scholarship, personality, and probable future success in their chosen field of mechanical engineering.
Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society
Tau Beta Pi is an honor society representing the entire engineering profession. In order to be eligible for membership, students must be in the top one-eighth of the junior engineering class and the top one-fifth of the senior engineering class at Trine University.
Ehinger Fellows
Students pursuing a business major or minor who demonstrate excellent leadership, communication and positive influence are selected to become Fellows through an annual faculty nomination and application process. The Fellows volunteer their junior and senior years to polish their servant leadership skills, build business prowess and serve as leaders, mentors and ambassadors throughout the Ketner School of Business and the Trine community.
Sigma Delta Pi: Alpha Beta Nu
Our society aims to honor those who excel in the study of the Spanish language and in the study of the literature and culture of the Spanish-speaking world and to foster an understanding, appreciation and respect for the peoples, cultures and societies of the Spanish-speaking world.
Club Sports
Powerlifting Club
Our mission is to connect like-minded individuals who enjoy fitness and fundraising for the Hershey Weight Room.
Ski Club
The purpose of Trine Ski Club is to provide the students of Trine University with the ability to learn and develop their ability to ski and or snowboard. The club will organize, facilitate, and, when possible, financially support opportunities for members to embark on snowy adventures.
Swimming Club
Join a community of swimmers practicing at the YMCA to perfect your strokes and find motivation!
Thunder Ultimate Frisbee
We aim to travel across the Midwest playing competitive ultimate frisbee against other universities in the region. We also host casual games and practices throughout the year for anyone who just wants to learn a fun new club sport.
College Panhellenic (CPH)
College Panhellenic (CPH) is the governing body over Trine University’s 5 sororities. CPH provides support to both our national (Alpha Sigma Tau and Theta Phi Alpha) and local (Gamma Phi Epsilon, Kappa Sigma Alpha, and Phi Sigma) sororities. The CPH executive board is composed of sisters from multiple different sororities. CPH is instrumental in coordinating formal recruitment and Greek Week annually.
Interfraternal Council (IFC)
Interfraternity Council (IFC) is the governing body over Trine University’s 8 fraternities. IFC provides support to the fraternities and ensures each group’s activities align with the directives of the North American Interfraternity Conference. The IFC executive board is composed of brothers from multiple different fraternities. IFC is instrumental in publicizing rush week events for each of our fraternities, as well as planning and executing Greek Week.
Order of Omega
Order of Omega Greek Honor Society is comprised of members from nearly all 13 Greek organizations on Trine’s campus. Order of Omega aims to recognize those members of the Greek community who are performing exemplary service for the Greek system and Trine University. Here, membership in Order of Omega is limited to the top 3% of the Greek community. Criteria considered for membership include a Greek man or woman’s character, scholarship, leadership skills, chapter involvement, campus involvement, and community service.
Art Club
Join a community of like-minded students where you can explore a multitude of visual art forms including painting, drawing, and photography!
Athletes Connected
The mission of Athletes Connected is to provide Trine University student athletes with a support system as well as bring awareness to mental health issues in sports. Events hosted by Athletes Connected include mental health workshops, donut and popcorn handouts, and guest speakers who are well-versed in the fields of mental health and performance.
Black Student Union
Committed to promoting cultural awareness through historical, political, and social layouts to advance retention efforts at Trine University.
Board Game Club
Board Game Club is a social organization for Trine students interested in tabletop board games. Board Game Club seeks to build community among fellow students using tabletop board games as a catalyst. Any student, regardless of board game knowledge or skill level, is welcome to join!
Bridge Club
Want to a learn a fun, exciting card game? If you said yes, then bridge is the game for you! The members participate in bridge education and competition opportunities made available by the American Contract Bridge League. Membership in the Bridge Club is open to all Trine University students, regardless of bridge knowledge or skill level.
Christian Campus House*
Christian Campus House (CCH) is a community that empowers students to impact the world for Christ. CCH aims to help people make lasting friendships with like-minded believers alongside whom students can grow in their relationship with God. CCH hosts Tuesday Night Worship weekly. Additionally, CCH gives out free hotdogs on Wednesdays and free pancakes on Fridays weekly at the Christian Campus House on campus (400 College St.)
Colleges Against Cancer
Colleges Against Cancer works to reduce total cancer incidence and mortality through establishing advocacy programs on campus, and promoting cancer awareness, prevention, and support services for cancer survivors and caregivers.
Commuter Club
The purpose of the Commuter Club is foster community among Trine University commuter students. The Commuter Club works to plan and execute commuter events both on and off campus and provide a space in which commuters can spend time from the end of classes until nighttime events.
Delight Women's Ministries
The mission of Delight Women’s Ministries (Delight) is to invite college women into a Christ-centered community that fosters vulnerability and transforms stories. The Trine University chapter of Delight meets weekly to share stories of God at work. They also incorporate worship nights, opportunities to serve, and fun get-togethers that help foster relationships.
Drama Club*
The Drama Club often puts on a fall production and a spring production, as well as smaller events like cookouts and improv nights! Joining the Drama Club is a great way to become involved on campus, whether you’d like to be in the spotlight, backstage, in charge of lighting/technology, or assist with costuming, props, or makeup!
Dungeons & Dragons
Come share in the imagination and creativity of the game, test your mettle in intense combat, and even learn to be a dungeon master yourself! Anything is possible in D&D.
Entrepreneurs Committee
An entrepreneur is described as someone who creates and runs a business, seeking and seizing opportunities to improve the economic environment. This committee is a body of students who want to lead the future, drive the world to be better, and create future opportunities for others.
Friends of MSF (Doctors Without Borders)
At Trine, our organization aims to raise money for Doctors Without Borders, their work in the field, and specific campaigns. We also increase awareness and knowledge about humanitarian issues and the organization's work in the field.
Genders and Sexuality Alliance Network (GSAN)
The GSAN encourages cultural awareness of the queer community on Trine University's campus and seeks to create a safe community for students of all sexualities and genders.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity International, Inc. is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing organization that seeks to eliminate substandard housing and homelessness worldwide. The Trine University chapter of Habitat for Humanity works in collaboration with any local affiliates of Habitat for Humanity, as well as the international headquarters, to build homes for needy families in the Angola area and beyond.
Maker's Club
An organization at Trine University that use engineering skills to work on projects requested by customers.
Multicultural Student Organization (MSO)
The Multicultural Student Organization (MSO) at Trine aims to promote cultural awareness and prepare students to live and work in an increasingly diverse and global society. MSO brings varying populations of students together to provide cross-cultural exchanges and a myriad of cultural and educational opportunities.
Newman Catholic Fellowship
Members of Newman Catholic Fellowship aim to deepen their faith in God and grow as a stronger community of Christians through discussion, prayer, Bible study sessions, and other events! Although the activities of Newman Catholic Fellowship are centered primarily on Catholicism, students from any and all faith backgrounds are welcome to attend meetings and events!
Pickleball Club
The Trine University Pickleball Club strives to offer the sport of pickleball to students and faculty in a welcoming environment, matching players of similar skill levels at least once a week.
Professional Exam Prep Club
Our mission is to empower students on their journey toward professional excellence, especially those in the actuarial science and finance fields. We provide a supportive community and comprehensive resources for career-related exams.
Society of Future Educators
We are a student-led organization facilitated by Education One with the mission of advancing future leaders' educational experiences through exposure to diverse guest speakers, trips to public charter schools, and a safe environment for dialogue on equal opportunity.
Student Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC)
The mission of SAAC is to enhance the student-athlete experience by promoting opportunity, protecting student-athlete welfare, and fostering a positive student-athlete image.
Students Promoting Environmental Awareness & Knowledge (SPEAK)
Members of Students Promoting Environmental Awareness & Knowledge (SPEAK) believe that our Earth depends on us to change our lifestyles and reduce our carbon footprints.
Study Abroad Club*
Do you plan to take on the world? We’ll put you in it! Trine’s Study Abroad Club aims to help students learn without limits. It connects students with study abroad opportunities and scholarships, allowing students to experience the benefits of immersive education in other countries.
Trine Christian Athletes
The purpose of Trine Christian Athletes is to be a community who uses a sports platform to strengthen students’ relationship with God and encourage them to spread His message and love across campus, on the field of competition, and in the community.
Trine Muslim Association
The objective of the Trine Muslim Student Association (MSA) is to educate the general student body about the Islamic faith and promote understanding at Trine University. Events held by the MSA include free baklava handouts throughout the semester, as well as an Iftar dinner open to both Trine students and community members to kickoff the season of Ramadan.
Trine Opt Outside
Welcome to the Opt Outside Club! Looking for a way to get outside and get active? Trine Opt. Outside is all about making memories and having fun!
Writer's Block
The Writer’s Block is a literary journal by students, for students. A place for Trine University writers to call ‘home.’