Student Education Association (SEA)

“The Student Education Association (SEA) is a professional organization for education students. This organization is a sub-branch of the Indiana State Teacher’s Association (ISTA) and the National Education Association (NEA).

 SEA allows students to gain invaluable professional development, networking skills, and experience in a variety of areas outside of the classroom. Members can participate in a variety of community activities such as, but not limited to, Read Across America, Outreach to Teach, and Adopt-A-Class. Members can also go to several professional development and leadership seminars throughout the year including Summer and Fall Conferences, Indiana Representative Assembly, and much much more.

Membership also includes professional liability insurance for observations and teaching! Make your resume stand out by furthering your education outside of classes and meet some great people along the way!

For any and all questions, please contact Mikaela Gerba at or Savannah Harrison at