Student with patient

Didactic Phase

The didactic phase of the Master of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS) Program takes place over the course of four semesters. Although primarily campus-based, students occasionally need to travel to clinical application obligations, including local interprofessional education activities.

Experiential Phase (Clinical Year)

The clinical phase of the Master of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS) program runs over the course of approximately three semesters with nine clinical rotations organized in five-week blocks. Students are responsible for their own travel and housing expenses. Students are not eligible for experiential phase courses until they have successfully completed all didactic phase courses.

The Experiential Phase also includes two other courses each semester. These are Senior Seminar and Graduate Projects.

Click here for Course Catalog & Typical Course Sequence for the Didactic Year.

The Experiential Phase Clinical Rotation sequence is individualized for each student.

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