Need Some Academic Assistance?

Jeremy Howard
Director of Academic Success
At Trine University, we want all of our students to excel academically. We offer a wide range of services, such as study groups and one-on-one assistance, that are designed to help assure that every student is an academic success.
Links below provide you with information regarding the variety of services that can be found in the Academic Success Center at Trine University. Don't be afraid to ASC! Additional links will take you to online assistance in a variety of different college courses.
Writing Center
The Trine Writing Center offers students assistance with writing, as well as help in using computers for research or composition of a paper. The Writing Center is located on the first floor of the LINK in the Rick L. & Vicki L. James University Center.
Study Sessions
The Office of Student Success provides study session leaders in a variety of areas. While some courses are set up with study sessions every semester, students may request that a study session be created for any course.
Parent and Family Support and Parent Newsletter
Through the Office of Student Success, we provide an extensive network of support services.
Accessibility and Accommodations
For Trine students in need of accessibility services or information about ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and Section 504 (of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973), please visit our Accessibility and Accommodations page.
Assistance in Purchasing Textbooks
Through the office of student success and retention, please fill out this form if you are having financial issues and need assistance purchasing books.
Questions? We would like to connect with you!
Jeremy Howard, MSL
Director of Academic Success
Academic Advisor
Academic Success Center
Rick L. & Vicki L. James University Center
E-mail me at:
Rich Warren
Academic Support Specialist
Supervisor, Academic Coaching & Peer Study Sessions
Academic Success Center
Rick L. & Vicki L. James University Center
E-mail me at:
Nicole Kibiloski
Director of Accessibility Services
ADA/Section 504 Coordinator
Academic Success Center
Rick L. & Vicki L. James University Center
Email me at:
Jessica Taylor
Director of Student Retention
Academic Success Center
Rick L. & Vicki L. James University Center
E-mail me at:
Janelle Pulczinski, Ph.D.
Director, Writing Center
Assistant Professor
Department of Humanities and Communication
Rick L. & Vicki L. James University Center - The LINK
E-mail me at: