Partners in Education
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Are you interested in becoming a part of Trine’s team to help provide dual credit learning opportunities to students? If you are, look to teach as a Concurrent Enrollment Instructor, according to the Higher Learning Commission you must first have either a Master’s degree in the field you wish to teach or a Master’s degree in any field and at least 18 graduate credit hours in their field you wish to teach. Once you have those credentials, you can reach out to us at the Office of Dual Enrollment or Apply Here to be a concurrent enrollment instructor through Trine.
Application Timeline:
- Application is received and reviewed by members of Academic Affairs and the specific academic department
- Notification of acceptance or denial through provided email
- If approved, your liaison will reach out to you to set up course specific on-boarding as will the Office of Dual Enrollment to orient you to the program
For more information about the this program please feel free to access the Concurrent Enrollment Handbook or reach out to the Office of Dual Enrollment at any time.
If you are interested in offering Dual Enrollment Courses through Trine, feel free
to click on the links for more information and as always, feel free to reach out to
us at any time.
- About Us
- Concurrent Enrollment Instructor Application
- Application Process Tutorial
- Dual Enrollment Application
- Academic Calendar
- MyPortal Access
- Plan a Visit to Trine (including large group visits)
- Transcript Request
- Office of Dual Enrollment: Contact Us