The winners for the 2017 Cunningham Writing Contest are as follows:


First: “Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders: Onset, Prognoses, and Impact” by Jordan Tinkle

Second: “The Impact of Plastic Pollution” by Mycah Houser.

Third: “Detection and Prevention of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis Infection in Dairy Cattle:  A Review” by Nicole Walters

Creative Nonfiction

First: “Poison” by Alexis DeLancey-Christiansen

Second: “Handsome Goodbye” by Stevie Rosales.

Third: “The Salt and The Penny” by Mycah Houser.

Honorable mention: “Zucchini Heaven” by Maria Till


First: “Lone Wolf” by Mycah Houser

Second: “Fly Again” by August Buehrer


First:I Rode a Dragon Today” by Jordan Blank

Second:Distant Memory” by Stevie Rosales

Third:House Upon the Hill” by Elijah Thiess

Honorable mention:Christmas is Near” by Sydney Ilko