Current Employees

- All payroll related documents (pay adjustments, tax changes, deduction changes, direct deposit changes, etc) should be submitted to the Office of Human Resources at least one week before pay date.
- Paycheck stubs and W-2 statements are available on the ADP Employee Self-Service PortalOpens in new window.
Life Events
Life Events are a major event that changes a person's status or circumstances, such as:
- Birth or Adoption
- Death of a dependent or employee
- Dependent becoming ineligible
- Gain/Loss of coverage due to employment changes
- Marriage or Divorce
Such events should be reported to Human Resources as quickly as possible, but not more than 30 days from the effective date.
HR Services
Employment Verification
- The Office of Human Resources will provide the following information without a signed authorization form:
- Employee Name
- Hire Date
- Termination Date
- Job Title
- The Human Resource office will provide the above, plus salary information with a signed authorization form.
Employee Relations
- The Office of Human Resources serves as a trusted partner to faculty and staff regarding
questions, conflicts and issues that arise in the workplace. Some of the services
provided are as follows:
- Conflict resolution
- Corrective Action
- Investigations
- Performance Management
- Policy Interpretation & Management
- Please contact Human Resources for additional information.