Employee Recognition

Trine University values its employees and has implemented an employee recognition and appreciation program. Employees can be recognized in many different ways. Being recognized for contributions can have a considerable impact on an employee’s satisfaction and commitment to the University. Recognition is most effective when it takes place on a regular basis and in a variety of ways. Satisfied employees will contribute to the vibrant culture on campus.
Guiding Principles:
A Simple ‘Thank You’
It only takes a moment to recognize the efforts of a co-worker. You could call it
"fly-by appreciation".
Pay Attention
Noticing when people are doing the right thing increases the probability they will
repeat it.
Inspire Effort
People who feel appreciated give more to the job than what is merely required.
Personalized Approach
One size does not fit all. Staff are individuals and respond differently to the same
strategy. Ask staff how they want to be recognized.
Have fun, do spontaneous things, and encourage laughter
Informal Recognition
- Informal recognition can be given at little to no cost. Click here for a sample list of ideas.
Recognize a Random Act of Trineness
- Have you noticed a "Random Act of Trineness"? If so, recognize the person! Random Acts of Trineness gives employees the opportunity to recognize their peers or those who report to them for performance above and beyond the call of duty. Employees honored for Random Acts of Trineness will be entered into a drawing for monthly prizes and will have the honor noted in their personnel file. They also will receive recognition in the TrineLine newsletter and a congratulatory letter from the president’s office.
Service Recognition
- Trine University funds the Service Recognition Program in an effort to recognize all full-time faculty and staff for each five years of continuous years of dedicated service to the University.